Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bacon Re-Designs Brussels

Derek Bacon has just finished a commission for a Brussels based agency to promote the re-development of the city. Speculoos (the design agency) were asked by Brussels City Council to promote 4 large areas in order to find investors for the building of new urban areas. Derek so cleverly mixing his photomontage with imagination and vision created the images which have been enlarged as exhibition panels and are currently being shown at the Mipim at Cannes – the biggest real estate fair in Europe. He says about the job; ‘with no idea of what the actual architecture will eventually look like, the illustrations had to show the developments in a more abstract way’, as the areas are currently old railway zones it was a test of Derek’s vision of what such a big city could look like. Derek was given a blank canvas in the most extreme sense!. See Derek’s entire portfolio at